The payment terms of the system usage fees are determined by the agreement between the User, the Trader and the regionally competent Distribution Licensee. Unless otherwise stipulated in the User's contract, the system usage fee is invoiced directly to the User by the regionally competent Distribution Licensee.

Another option is that the system usage fee is paid by the Trader to the Distribution Licensee. In such an event the system usage fees are charged by the Trader to the User in what is called an integrated bill, together with the electricity fee.
In the competitive market, the monthly bill of a consumption site with profile-based settlement contains a 1/12 part of the Standard Annual Consumption. The settlement bill is issued only after the reading by the regionally competent Distribution Licensee. In certain cases, such as supplier switching, it may become necessary to record the actual reading of the meter; however in such an event the Distribution Licensee will contact the User.

For Users with settlement based on 15-minute remote readings, the monthly bill is issued on the basis of the aggregated consumption determined by remote reading, and so the submission of the actual meter reading by the User would not change anything in the monthly bills and therefore it is not required, save for supplier switching.
For users with profile-based settlement, the reading is always performed annually by the regionally competent Distribution Licensee. For users with settlement based on 15-minute remote readings, the data stored in the electricity meters, with a 15-minute breakdown, are sent by the Distribution Licensee daily.
Customers with profile-based settlement normally receive 11 bills and 1 settlement bill each year. The monthly bills are based on the Standard Annual Consumption (i.e. the estimated amount of the User's electricity consumption for the current year). to be determined by the regionally competent Distribution Licensee by taking into account the consumption during the previous year. The 1/12 part (one twelfth) of the Standard Annual Consumption is charged through each monthly bill. Pursuant to law, the Distribution Licensee is obliged to perform what is known as a control measurement (reading) once every year, and the quantity deviation will be determined based on this measurement. The electricity used during the contract term is settled on the basis of the value read by the Distribution Licensee. The settlement bill is based on this reading and its amount will equal the difference between the fees already invoiced under the monthly bills and the amount payable for the actual consumption for the entire year.
Yes. This should be applied for at the regionally competent Distribution Licensee. In this case, the total installation costs of the remote metering, including the metering device as well, are to be paid by the User.
The regionally competent Distribution Licensee is responsible for reading the meter.
It is the duty of the Distribution Licensee to classify the users according to their different profile classes.
At the time of supplier switching, both the previous and the new Trader and also the User will be entitled to initiate a meter reading. The reading itself will be performed by the regionally competent Distribution Licensee but in every case the party who ordered the reading will bear the arising costs. An exception to this will be when the User quits the universal service, since in such a case it is the duty of the regionally competent Distribution Licensee to read the meters.
It means the capacity contracted by the User to the measurement point, which the operator of the network is obliged to provide continuously. The value of the contracted capacity is determined under the Network Use Agreement and a certain element of the system usage fee (namely the capacity fee) is calculated on the basis of this value.
For consumption sites with profile-based settlement, the Trader issues monthly (interim) and settlement bills for the User. The Standard Annual Consumption is charged through the monthly bills, i.e. 1/12 part (one twelfth) of the Customer's consumption estimated for the given year. The difference between the fee payable for the actual annual consumption and the amount of fees already charged through the monthly bills will be settled through the settlement bill.
Electricity users are required to pay a certain fee for their grid use, the system operation and the ancillary services, to the owners of the transmission grid and the distribution network (i.e. to the Transmission System Operator and the Distribution Licensees) and to the system operator (MAVIR). This fee, set by the authority, is called the system usage fee.
The User must specify the expected amount of their consumption (contracted quantity) at the time of establishing the contract. The Customer is allowed to deviate from this quantity within a certain tolerance range, without the imposition of any sanctions> however, if the tolerance range is exceeded, a surcharge is to be paid. (take or pay).
This is the electricity demand curve of the consumer (consumer profile) determined using statistical analysis, prepared concerning a specific timeframe.
Users with profile-based settlement may change the amount of their Standard Annual Consumption and by default this must be reported to the Distribution Licensee.
No. Distribution Licensees have exclusive operating rights for a given area, so a particular consumption site can join only to the network of the given regionally competent Distribution Licensee.

Mines Inspectorates (Miskolc, Szolnok, Pécs, Veszprém)
Predecessor: National Mines Inspectorate (OBF)

Licencing, auditing, official certificates, pressure vessels, gas cylinders, pressure regulators, gas-fired equipment, burners and fittings, etc.

Licencing, price regulation, price preparation, energy information, consumer protection, gas industry, district heating, electricity industry, pipelined PB service
Natural gas is settled on the basis of heat quantity, in line with the applicable legislation.

Heat quantity is to be determined by multiplying the volume (normal cubic metre, nm3) of the supplied natural gas measured in cubic metres (m3) and converted to gas technical normal state (multiplied by a correction factor calculated on the basis of pressure and temperature) and the calorific value (MJ/m3) determined for the metering period.

The following formula is to be used: m3 x volume correction factor x MJ/m3, where

m3 - the consumption measured by the gas meter;
volume correction factor: the multiplication factor of conversion to gas technical normal state;
MJ/ m3: the average calorific value for the measurement period.
For instance: if our gas consumption (i.e. the consumption measured by the gas meter) was 100 m3, then this can be converted to heat quantity in the following way:

1.0173 volume correction factor,
34.23 MJ/ m3 calorific value,
100 m3 x 1.0173 x 34.23 MJ/m3 = 3482 MJ.
The User becomes entitled to switch supplier when its fixed-term contract concluded with the Gas Trader expires or, in the event of termination of the contract, at the time when all the conditions of termination, as stipulated in the contract, are met.

The User is obliged to inform its previous Trader, 30 days prior to the expiry of the fixed-term contract, about the new trader that will supply gas to the User following expiry of the contract.
Based on the assignment given by the User, the Gas Trader with whom the User enters into the new Natural Gas Sales Contract can  perform the administrative tasks of switching supplier. Within 5 days from the receipt of the termination notice, the previous Trader is obliged to send a notice of confirmation of the termination, the date when the POD and the contract are terminated, or, if termination was not successful, about the contractual terms that were not fulfilled.
If the User acts independently, on his own behalf, he is obliged to send the notice to the new Trader, as soon as possible following receipt of the notice.
The new Trader is obliged to report the change of supplier to the System Operator concerned, on the 21st day before termination of the contract at the latest.

The competent Distribution Licensee must be contacted. For that purpose each Distribution Licensee operates a fault reporting channel, as listed below:

FŐGÁZ Földgázelosztási Kft: +36/1-477-1333
TIGÁZ-DSO Kft: +36/80-300-300
E.ON Dél-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt: +36/80-42-42-42
E.ON Közép-dunántúli Gázhálózati Zrt: +36/80-301-301
ÉGÁZ-DÉGÁZ Földgázelosztó Zrt: +36/80-440-141; +36/80-820-141
MAGÁZ Kft: +36/40-200-752
OERG Kft: +36/30-438-2172


The meters are read by the Distribution Licensee or the company appointed by the Distribution Licensee.
It is determined by the Distribution Licensee.
If the User and the previous and the new Traders do not agree regarding reading the meter at the time of switching supplier, the Distribution Licensee will read the meters. In such an event, the costs of reading are paid by the new Trader.
Any user, from households to the biggest plants, may do so, but for users not eligible to universal service (above the total nominal capacity of 20m3/h), their entry into the competitive market is not an option but the only way to go.
The bill for gas consumption and the related system usage fees is issued by the Trader.
Residential users and other users having a purchased capacity not exceeding 20 m3/hour are eligible to avail of universal service.
In order to provide the User's supply, the User must enter into a Distribution Network Use Agreement with the Distribution Licensee, and a Natural Gas Sales Contract with the Trader. However, the system usage fees are settled on the basis of the capacity reservation agreements, which is typically concluded by and between the Trader and the Distribution Licensee.
The system usage fee covers the costs of gas transmission, distribution, and storage.

Pursuant to Act XL of 2008 on Gas Supply (the Gas Act), the fee payable for gas transmission, distribution and storage is officially set. This fee is governed by KHEM Decree no. 31/2009. (VI.25.) on the determination of the gas system usage fees and any amendments thereto.
The transmission, distribution, and storage agreements are concluded by the Trader with the System Operators, unless otherwise requested by the User. The User pays the system usage fees to its Gas Trader, in conformity with the provisions of the Natural Gas Sales Contract.
This is the agreement concluded by and between the transmission System Operator or the Gas Distributor on the one hand and the future User on the other hand. This agreement guarantees the user’s right to connect onto the network, it defines the quantity of the purchased capacity and also records the technical and financial conditions of connection.
The given user must have a Network Connection Agreement for the given site and must have a Natural Gas Sales Contract.
For instance:
If any of the contractual conditions is not met at the time of submission of the termination notice, such as if there is overdue debt. In such an event, the previous Trader is obliged to provide a deadline for the purpose of fulfilling the contractual conditions.
If the contract is terminated beyond the respective deadline or in violation of the contractual provisions.
If the Distribution Licensees have not been notified about the supplier switching at least 21 days in advance

Consumption locations with a gas meter capacity of less than 20 m3/h:

  • household users
  • non-household users

Consumption locations with a gas meter capacity of 20-100 m3/h:

  • e.g. smaller public institutions (schools, municipalities), smaller industrial production plants

Consumption locations with a contracted capacity between 3131 MJ/h and 17100 MJ:

  • e.g. larger public institutions, industrial customers.

Consumption locations with a contracted capacity over 17100 MJ/h:

  • e.g. industrial customers, agricultural customers (driers), district heating plants, electric power plants.
The meters of consumers with a nominal capacity under 20 m3/h are read by the Distribution Licensee once every year, whereas the meters of consumers with a (total) nominal capacity of 20-100 m3/h are read by the Distribution Licensee once a month.
It is possible to conclude a contract in the competitive market for less than a year; however, it is recommended to plan for at least a year and, for instance, to adjust the term of the agreement to the gas year. This allows, among other things, the reservation of the transmission and distribution capacity to be adjusted to the contract term.
This means the unique identifier, made up of 16 digits, assigned to every point of consumption location, for the purpose of unequivocal identification of the given point of consumption location.
It means the User's estimate of his consumption for the next gas day for the point of consumption with a capacity fee (with a reserved capacity of at least 3131 MJ/h).
The Trader and the User enter into an agreement to deliver and receive, respectively, a certain heat quantity (GJ), with a tolerance range and with due consideration of mandatory purchase.
Gas year: the period starting as of the beginning of the gas day on 1 July of the target year until the end of the gas day on 30 June of the following year.
It means the balancing by FSZ Zrt of the gas quantity difference between the gas injected by the Trader into the gas network and the amount withdrawn. The price of the balancing gas is determined on the basis of the balancing gas prices of the balancing gas offered by the traders and used by FGSZ Zrt.
A User can switch to profile-based settlement if the (total) nominal capacity of its gas meters at the consumption location does not exceed 100 m3/h. In the case of a point of consumption with profile based settlement, the User is classified into the profile type according to the user's consumption pattern by the regionally competent Distribution Licensee.
A so-called Take or Pay range is determined under the Natural Gas Sales Contract. The gas quantity consumed by the User can change within this range during the period(s) specified in the contract without any sanctions. Any consumption outside the range will entail a surcharge payment obligation.
Users can withdraw gas from the competitive gas market according to the supply and demand in the market, and the gas sales contracts concluded by and between the traders and the users. As opposed to universal service, there is no officially set gas price here.
Pursuant to Act XL of 2008, the former public utility service has been replaced by universal service as of 1 July 2009. Universal service is provided by the Universal Service Provider Licensee in the service area specified in the operating license. The Universal Service Provider is a gas trader that provides universal gas service to those consumers eligible for universal service if they request it. (Article 32 (1) of Act XL of 2008).
It means the type curve determined by statistical analysis, on the basis of the given consumption pattern.
ISO 50001
  • energy policy,
  • action plans,
  • regulations,
  • objectives,
  • energy handbook,
  • rules of procedure,
  • documentation of procedural measures,
  • training requirements and objectives,
  • definition and adaptation of the processes connected to the maintenance and development of the energy management system (process instructions).

The obligation is based on Directive 2012/26/EU, Act LVII of 2015 and Implementing Regulation no. 122/2015. (V.26.).
The target of annual 1.5% new energy savings must be achieved on a country level and so this obligation is imposed on the Government and not on large companies. The Government will achieve this obligation by implementing various industry-specific policy measures, in accordance with Article 13 of the Act on Energy Efficiency.
Large companies are obliged to perform energy audits. "Large company: an undertaking not qualifying as a small and medium-sized enterprise." "Small and medium-sized enterprise: an undertaking qualifying on the basis of Act XXXIV of 2004 on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and the Support Provided to Such Enterprises (hereinafter as: SME Act) as a micro or small and medium enterprise, except for the undertakings as per Article 3(4) of the SME Act." When assessing the large company status, the partner and related undertakings must be taken into account as well, according to Article 5(5)-(9) of the SME Act (regardless of where its registered address, business establishment and branch office(s) are located geographically).
Large companies operating an energy management system meeting the ISO 50001 standard as certified by an accredited certification body are exempt from the mandatory energy audit. In such an event, the large company is obliged to send the valid certificate to the Office once every quarter year.
Anyone can establish the management system regarding the ISO 50001 standard but, in turn, it must be verified that the established system meets the requirements set by the standard, and for that purpose the system must be certified/audited. And this certification can only be carried out by accredited ISO 50001 auditors.
Specific energy consumption and energy costs are reduced; energy supply becomes safer and more reliable.
Energy efficiency solutions and the behavioural changes aiming at reducing energy consumption improve business performance.
The undertaking can decide, at its own discretion, which energy-related objectives are to be implemented, and hence it can plan its energy investments in line with these objectives, thereby guaranteeing that only investments whose costs are acceptable to the given undertaking and which really increase energy efficiency are implemented.
The undertaking can comply with the current and future energy efficiency targets and the statutory requirements regulating the emission of greenhouse gases. The introduction of the in-house energy management policy and propagation of energy conscious thinking will increase employees’ motivation and commitment and promote innovation.
If properly communicated, it will increase customer satisfaction and the prestige of the company.
It will ensure a competitive advantage over those competitors without certification.
  • Preparation of the detailed action plan
  • Planning the energy measures, preparations for implementation (technical development, procedural measures)
  • Preparation of the energy management documentation
  • Education/training
  • Pre-audit (preparing for certification)
  • Performance of the certification procedure
  • Definition of the energy needs of the undertaking
  • Energy policy and definition of the objectives
  • Initial condition survey (snapshot of the baseline) in terms of energy consumption
  • Definition of the necessary procedures and responsibilities
  • Provision of the resources required for achieving the energy targets
  • Application of energy due diligence (monitoring) methods
  •  Definition of the energy efficiency and performance indicators
  •  Establishment of an effective auditing system
  • Monitoring the continuous development of energy efficiency
The individual energy performance indicators must be measured continuously throughout the operation of the energy management system meeting the ISO 50001 standard, and since the energy consumption data is one of these indicators, the savings themselves can therefore also be measured.
To specify the requirements of an energy management system, the introduction of which would reduce energy costs, the emission of greenhouse gases and other environmental impacts, and which would result in energy and cost savings which in turn would increase the competitiveness of the undertaking concerned. Compliance with the requirements of the standard can be audited and certified by a third party, but it can also be used as a simple self-control measure to ensure that energy management is regulated, monitored and documented. Introducing ISO 50001:2012 is recommended for every organisation, regardless of its size, industry or geographic location. It is especially recommended for companies operating in industries with high energy needs (automotive industry, chemical industry) or organisations that are directly subject to the statutory regulations on greenhouse gases.
The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority holds regular inspections. Pursuant to the Act on Energy Efficiency, following the inspection, the Office may impose a maximum fine of ten million forints for a large company.
Pursuant to Act LVII of 2015 on Energy Efficiency, large companies are obliged to carry out an energy audit once every quarter. Once a large company has implemented the energy management system meeting the MSZ EN ISO 50001 standard, it is no longer required to repeat this.
Large companies have a registration obligation to be performed for the first time by 20 January 2016, pursuant to Article 53 of Act CXCVI of 2015 on the Amendment of Certain Energy Related Acts (Articles 22/B and 48(5) of Act LVII of 2015 on Energy Efficiency). The amending provision shall be effective as of 26 December 2015. The registration interface is available at http://www.mekh.hu/elerheto-a-kotelezo-nagyvallalati-regisztracio-formanyomtatvanya-villamos-energia. If the large company does not have either an energy audit or an ISO 50001 energy management system, the Office will call upon the large company to carry out the energy audit within 90 days according to the law. No fines will be imposed by the Office until 31 December 2016 in the event of failure to comply. Pursuant to Article 22/C of Act LVII of 2015 on Energy Efficiency, effective from 26 December 2015, large companies are obliged to provide data supply to the Office on the energy efficiency measures made during the year preceding the target year and their energy consumption data for the year preceding the target year, as well as their planned energy efficiency measures and proposed date of their implementation. The form, content and time limit of this data supply obligation are determined by the President of the Office in a decree.
The partner or related undertaking affected in terms of the exemption limit will be entitled to exemption from the energy auditing obligation if its energy consumption, compared to the member of the group of companies with the largest energy consumption, does not exceed 5%. The affected partner or related undertakings and the undertaking of the group of companies with the largest energy consumption must submit a statement to the Office stating that the conditions of the 5% exemption limit are met (based on the data of the year preceding the target year). The companies concerned are obliged to review each year whether the conditions of exemption are met , and to submit a statement verifying this to the Office.
This is a management system which aims to measure and quantify the energy efficiency and energy awareness of the undertaking, on a continuous basis, and to review the impacts of the introduced measures and, as a result, to increase energy efficiency. The energy management system can be integrated into the already existing management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, etc.). Since the structure and requirements of the ISO 50001:2012 standard is very similar to those of the ISO 14001 standard, those organisations that are operating a high standard environment-centred management system can therefore quickly and easily meet the standard requirements of the energy management system as well.
A different procedure to the above outlined process must be applied to energy management systems, since the audited company must undertake certain commitments regarding the aspects and time frame in which it intends to improve. Accordingly, such commitments that are relatively easy to implement and fit the company's development plans should be scheduled, in cooperation with the consulting partner.